What To Expect
We want you to feel comfortable at Missionary Alliance Community. Come however you can best worship our God. Some dress casually, some dress formally, and all are welcome! When you arrive, you'll be welcomed at the door by our greeters, and they can answer any questions you have. They'll help direct you to the sanctuary, Cafe, classrooms, and Information Center.
If you enter through the east end of the church you'll head up the stairs and to the right. Our Cafe can be found on the right and the Sanctuary straight ahead. You'll also notice a staircase which leads downstairs to our classrooms. Please come in, and sit wherever you'd like.
Our worship services last about 75 minutes, and offer singing, times of prayer, and a time of Biblical teaching based on Scripture through our morning message. If you arrive prior to our worship service please visit the Cafe for coffee and come to Sunday School hour for all ages.
We offer nursery for kids ages new born through age 3 during the Sunday Worship hour (10am).
At 9 AM we have a Sunday School class for Adults in the lower level. We also have KIDS CHURCH at 10 AM for ages 3 through grade 5. On Wednesday evenings (except June - August) we have classes for High School, Middle School, and Elementary Age.